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A new language assessment and autism screening tool

Updated: Apr 26, 2021

We’ve just finished Phase I of NSF-funded research and now have an exciting new project for Phase II: evaluative artificial speech intelligence - autism screener (EASI-AS)

Originally, we’d aimed to create a cutting-edge virtual language coach for kids with autism and other communication challenges. This would consist of a sophisticated language recommendation system, powered by machine learning (a bit like highly sophisticated predictive text, alongside other features!).

During our research, we realized that to develop the most effective virtual language coach, we first need to create a tool that can accurately assess a child’s current level of communication skills. This is what we are working on now!

This will be no small feat, but we are excited to be creating a tool that any parent or speech language pathologist can use to assess and monitor a child’s progress — enabling a more accurate, objective barometer for where a child needs help with goals and strategies for both parents and professionals.

Unlike a lot of the more complex language assessment tools out there, this will also be an extremely easy-to-use virtual product that can be installed on any device. We hope this will be music to the ears of fellow SLPs having to conduct speech and language assessments online during the pandemic.

Hugely excitingly, we also have plans to combine this new tool with a virtual autism screener that has been found to be highly reliable during testing. We aim to create a more accurate, more reliable virtual language and autism screener. Watch this space!

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